18 May, 2006

A Sacking

It would have been much easier to have written of my exploits as they happened, but since I have not done that we are going to explore the depths of my memory as recollection comes forth.

A few weeks back I was in the newsie (news agent) buying some papers, and a coke. I made the purchase, and realised that I would not be able to take my goods into the grocery - this was my next intended target - without procuring a storage device.

The following transpired:

The clerk asks, “Is that the lot?”
“That will be fourteen dollars thirty.”

Money exchanges hands.

“Um, can I have a sack?”
With a look of utter consternation she asks, “A sack?”
Confused as to what the issue is with requesting a sack, I repeat myself, “Yeah, a sack.”

This girl has no idea in hell what I am talking about. In my confusion I have concluded that no other word exists for a tool that will allow me to take my goods into the other store.

I then start the pantomime. Taking my right hand and shaping it into a fist - I hold it up. I then take my left hand and motion as if I am putting the other hand into a sack. The repetition comes into play, “Ya know, a SaaaaCK!” My mind for some reason thought that by expounding upon the word she would get the hint. Instead, we stand there looking at one another as if the other is a total moron.

Finally, she gets it.

“Do you… mean… a bag?”
“Yes, that’s it! A bag.” I state this to myself as a magic word, “bag” a word that can achieve my wants, my desires, the fulfillment of my current needs.

She grabs up my goods, places them into the bag. The deed is done.

Ref. note: The word “sack” in Aussie speak refers to a canvas type bag - one, for instance, in which you would place potatoes.


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